Saturday, January 10, 2009


Hi Pussycat Gang:

I just thought that I would hope that all of you had a wonderful and prosperous New Year.  My celebration was very quiet and I only had one glass of champagne to bring in the New Year.  I sent you all a Happy New Years Kiss.  I hope you all got it?  I recently had to have some procedures done on my spine, but I am fine now.  My knees are still giving me a few problems, but I am doing better now.   I hope that I get a few hugs back.  Right now there is going to be the screening of the film SUGAR BOXX on this Sunday.  The screening is for the cast and friends so that it can be previewed by cast and press.  I hope that it is a very big success for Cody Jarrett who is the director and producer of the film.  This means that the film will be released very shortly and I want you all to go and see it.  Let me know if I did well in my part or not.  I can take it, no matter what.  

We will begin shooting my documentary in March or April.  I hope that we have some good weather in Chicago for the shooting.  I will take you through my old neighborhood and show you all some of the spots that were important to me.  Soon we will walk through all of the different memories that I have had throughout my life in Chicago and the various theaters that I worked in as a stripper and some of the men in my life.  At least the ones still alive.  Who knows, I might just meet someone special in my life after all these years?

I am hoping that things will come together for me.  I am probably going to sell my home in Reno and probably move on down to Palm Springs, CA so that I will be closer to my friends.  Or if I can't get the price for it that I need, then I will just stay here and live out the rest of my life here in the lovely High Sierra's.

I don't have that much to talk about right now.  I just want to wish for a wonderful Year to come for everyone and hope that all of my New Year will be as busy for me as last year.  We have a show coming up in Palm Springs in April that will be a tribute to the Pussycats and the rest of the cast members of FPKK that are still living.  Besides myself, there will be Haji, Lori Williams, Dennis Busch (the Vegetable), and also Susan Bernard.  It will be the 44th year for FPKK and there will also be an art show as a tribute to FPKK cast members.  Hope to see you all there.  The show will be around the 14th of April, but that might change so please check out my website for the appearances scheduled for this year.  Hope to see you there.

Always with love, 
Tura Satana